Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Luther Blissett

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan Jones asks for our opinions on what makes a great portrait? http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2011/mar/16/bp-portrait-prize-art

    For me a good portrait is about provocative exploration and intrigue, or a sense of relating to it, Perhaps that way you are intimately propelled to it... whether technically masterful or not, there is a foreboding living essence that installation art dismisses. For those who do not class figurative art as a serious art , Jones claims their disconnection to life.
    Well it must be them, the elitist construe this living sensation to the functions of grand spaces, specific sites and objects in movement. Shouldn’t the movement be emotional??

    Installation captivates, but rather temporarily... it also seems to be more effective in relation to size, space and money.

    As a student if it isn’t cutting edge then your painting is a pathetic joke, a page from a tabloid comic strip. Figurative painting is a difficult field to attempt to be high in context let alone intellectual, conceptual and space and time encompassing because it is so flat and too illustrative. What else can I say, for now it is about trial and error and portrait art will diminish further more because most institutions are encouraging use of other mediums...
    Most figurative paintings does nothing for me and nothing for art but I still think that when a master is on his/her tricks that is when the cutting edge looks flustered from all its self sponsoring.

    However not all installation art is cutting edge, Ai Wei Wei is such a powerful and touching artist and it is unfortunate that other installation art has created much pompous suffocation to contemporary art.

    Painting does feel limited, I mean if I visualise my painting against Daniel Buren's poles for eg my little boat will surely sink... which is why I am looking to employ other devices such as the frames, the wall it hangs on, make the painting work as a project and letting it infiltrate and expand.

